Anxiety and Long Term Disability Claims

Anxiety and Long Term Disability Claims

Anxiety has become a far more common challenge for many in recent years. While the severity of symptoms may vary, many of us have experienced a certain level of anxiety at some point in our lives. For some people, anxiety and panic levels can interfere with daily activities — requiring professional help to cope and help manage the symptoms.

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Below are the 5 most common types of anxiety disorders:

Panic Disorder

People who suffer from panic disorder experience sudden and ongoing intense feelings of terror and emotional control loss. Many symptoms are unique to each individual and can include a racing heartbeat, shortness of breath, dizziness, nausea, chest pain, and numbness, to name a few. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, women are twice as likely to suffer from the condition.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

A mental health disorder that affects individuals of all ages, OCD occurs when a person gets caught up in a pattern of sudden compulsions and obsessions. These obsessions (thoughts/images/behaviours are not welcomed by the person and can severely disrupt important daily activities.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

GAD can be characterized by persistent, uncontrollable, ongoing worry about a wide variety of things and events. People who suffer from this disorder excessively worry and anticipate disaster — even if there is no reason to warrant this type of worry. Symptoms can include irritability, having a constant sense of danger, difficulty concentrating, disrupted sleep, fatigue, and increased rapid heartbeat, to name a few.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

PTSD can develop after being exposed to a traumatic event such as a motor vehicle accident, natural disaster, war, assault, a threat with death, or witnesses who have experienced these traumatic events. People with PTSD feel a heightened sense of danger, causing them to feel fearful even when, in reality, they are safe. This is due to the natural fight-or-flight response, which is altered with those who suffer from the disorder.

Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD)

Social Anxiety Disorder, also known as social phobia, is a type of anxiety disorder that causes extreme distress in social settings. Social anxiety is different from shyness, as it is more extreme, persistent, and debilitating. Symptoms can include nausea, rapid heartbeat, trembling, excessive sweating, worrying for days before a social event, excessive worry about embarrassment, missing school, or work because of anxiety. These are just a few symptoms that can take over someone’s life in a negative way.

Why Long-Term Disability Claims are Denied

Long-term disability claims may be denied because of the lack of regular medical care or treatment. Ensuring that you attend all medical appointments and any necessary prescribed medication from a professional specializing in mental health is essential if you want to reduce your chances of having a long-term disability claim denied.

Documentation is Important

Having all of the correct documentation in order and submitted on time is a must for any long-term disability claim submission. Hiring an experienced lawyer specializing in long-term disability claims can ensure that you have all of the correct documents submitted within the specified time frame and any other necessary details that must be sent with your long-term disability application.

Contact Tim Louis & Company Today

An anxiety disorder can have a lasting impact on one’s quality of life. If you or a loved one is experiencing anxiety and has been unable to work because of the condition, contact Tim Louis and his compassionate and experienced legal team today by calling 604-732-7678 or email timlouis@timlouislaw.com. We will make sure to evaluate your situation and advise the best options.



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