employment lawyer

Employee Rights when Terminated

Wrongful Termination

Employee Rights when Terminated


Your rights as an employee if you have been terminated

by Tim Louis

Being terminated without cause or dismissed from your employment can be one of the most stressful experiences you have ever encountered. You may be tempted to accept whatever compensation your employer is offering you. Do not do so without first taking the advice of an experienced employment lawyer.

If you have been terminated by your employer, the first question that needs to be answered is: Were you terminated with cause or without cause?

Employee rights when terminated with and without cause

If your employer had cause to terminate your employment, then you do not have a right to severance pay. A few of the more common reasons for termination with cause include fraud, chronic refusal to follow directions from your employer, intoxication while working, and establishing your own business in competition with your employer. I frequently act for clients who have been terminated by an employer who alleges cause. However, once I commence a lawsuit on behalf of my client, it soon becomes apparent that my client’s former employer did not have cause.

If your employer did not have cause to terminate your employment, then you are entitled to severance pay.

If you are entitled to severance pay because your employment was terminated without case, then the next question is whether the amount of your severance pay should be calculated based on statutory law or common law. Many of my clients are confused by the difference between these two types of law -which entitle an employee, terminated without cause, to very different amounts of compensation.

Statutory law is law based on a statute -in the case of employment law, the Employment Standards Act. This act entitles an employee, terminated without cause, to severance pay as follows:

  • after 3 consecutive months of employment – one week’s wages
  • after 12 consecutive months of employment – 2 weeks wages
  • after 3 consecutive years of employment – 3 weeks wages plus 1 additional week of wages for every year of employment to a maximum of 8 weeks wages

Common law is law based on all Court judgments – in this case, lawsuits where an employee successfully sued their employer alleging the termination of their employment was without cause. Under common law, the amount of severance pay awarded in each case is different based on many factors such as: age of the employee, length of the employment and type of position. As a rough rule of thumb, the common law entitles an employee terminated without cause to one month’s severance pay for every year of employment.

As you can see, the amount of severance pay you are entitled to, if your employment is terminated without cause, is more under common law than it is under statutory law.

Making a claim for wrongful termination

Making a claim for wrongful dismissal means that you need to know your employee rights when terminated.

If you decide to make a claim for severance pay under the Employment Standards Act, [statutory law], you may do so without a lawyer. The British Columbia Labor Standards Branch will investigate your case to determine whether or not your employment was terminated without cause.

If they find that your employment was terminated without cause, they will issue an order directing your employer to pay you severance pay as described above. Some terminated employees will choose the option of statutory law over the common law option as it is usually quicker and does not usually require a lawyer.

If you decide to make a claim for severance pay under common law, you will almost certainly require a lawyer as this choice involves filing a lawsuit in Court. Although this option can typically take longer than filing a complaint with the Labor Standards Branch and will be more expensive as you typically require a lawyer, you may receive significantly more severance pay.

Finally, many of my clients are unaware of the fact that their entitlement to severance pay is reduced by the amount of any income they earn after their wrongful termination during the time period covered by the severance pay. In other words, if the Court awards you severance pay representing 6 months of employment, then any income you earned in the first 6 months after your wrongful termination will be deducted from the amount you would have otherwise been entitled to.

Free consultation

If you have any questions about your termination or about the other many areas of employment law that I practice, such as non-competition clauses, harassment, your employer contracting out of the common law, or your employment contract, give me a call on my cell 778-855-3494. I really enjoy going to bat for the proverbial underdog.

N.B. Most employees work for employers governed by Provincial law. However a relatively few types of employers, such as banks and airlines, are governed by Federal law. This blog provides information for employees who work for employers who are governed by Provincial law.

Learn more about employee rights when terminated

Learn more from the Employment Standards Act.

Wrongful Termination

Wrongful Termination

by Tim Louis

If your employment has been terminated by your employer , you are entitled to severance pay unless your employer is able to prove they had cause to ‘let you go’. Cause would include: theft, insubordination, and chronic tardiness. If your employer did not have cause, then you are entitled to severance pay. The amount of severance pay you are entitled to is governed by two different types of law – statutory law and common law.

Wrongful Termination

Generally speaking you are entitled to more severance pay under common law than under statutory law.

Employment Law: What is the difference between Statutory and Common Law?

Statutory law is law created by government when it passes a statute. If your employer’s type of business is governed provincially, then British Columbia’s Employment Standards Act is the statute. If your employer’s type of business is governed federally, then federal law applies. Most types of businesses are governed provincially. Banks and Airlines are two examples of types of businesses that are governed federally.

Common law is law created each time someone goes to Court. Over time, literally thousands of cases are decided by a Court. In each case, the judge decides how much severance pay to award by looking at many different factors such as length of employment and age of the terminated employee.

What is Considered Wrongful Termination in British Columbia

In British Columbia, the Employment Standards Act provides you with the following statutory entitlement to severance pay if you have been terminated without cause. Being fired, or let go without cause is known as wrongful termination or wrongful dismissal.

  • After 3 months of service: 1 weeks’ pay
  • After 12 months of service: 2 weeks’ pay
  • After 3 years of service: 3 weeks’ pay, plus 1 week of pay for each additional year of employment (to a maximum of 8 weeks)

In British Columbia, the common law will entitle you to severance pay in the range of 4 to 6 weeks severance pay per year of employment depending upon many different factors as described above.

Remember that you are not entitled to any severance pay -either statutory or common law – if your employer can prove they have cause to terminate your employment.

Can I Sue for Wrongful Dismissal?

However just because your employer says they have cause to terminate, doesn’t mean they do. I had a case recently where I sued my client’s former employer. In their Response to Civil Claim, the employer alleged just cause. They listed numerous allegations against my client, including diverting customer money into my client’s own pocket.

However, as soon as I demanded particulars of each and every allegation from the employer’s lawyer, their case began to fall apart. I ended up forcing the employer to pay my client a very significant amount of money due to wrongful termination.

Wrongful Termination: What am I entitled to?

  • If your employer’s business is covered by provincial law, then you are not entitled to your job back if your employer did not have just cause. All you are entitled to is severance pay.
  • If your employer’s business is covered by federal law, you may be entitled to your job back.
  • If you have been terminated, it is very important you seek legal advice from an experienced labor lawyer.

I have been Wrongfully Dismissed – what are the next steps?

If you have been wrongfully terminated, contact Wrongful Dismissal lawyer Tim Louis for a free telephone consultation.

Don’t accept a severance offer, or an exit agreement before first talking to an employment lawyer.

Tim is on your side to fight for you and get the compensation you deserve or file a compliant.

Contact Tim Louis today at (604) 732-7678!

Learn More about Your Rights

You need to know your rights, in order to ensure you are treated with the respect you deserve. Employment in British Columbia falls under the Employment Standards Act.

Here are some links to learn more.
Employee Rights in British Columbia
Employment Standards Act – BC Law
Workplace Rights
Wrongful Dismissal

Workplace Injury – Can I sue my workplace for an injury?

workplace Injury

Workplace Injury – Can I sue my workplace for an injury?

If you are injured on the job, the law does not permit you to sue your employer. Instead, you must make a claim with WorkSafeBC. The good news here is that you do not need to be concerned about your employer’s financial ability to pay you for lost wages and/or permanent lost earning capacity. The bad news is that WorkSafeBC can be a nightmare to deal with. You do not ever get your day in court.

A workplace injury is any injury that occurs within your scope of employment. What this means is that your injury, in order to be covered by WorkSafeBC, does not have to occur at a specific worksite. If, for instance, you are driving and doing so as part of your employment, then you are covered. As example might be your employer asking you to leave your worksite to go on an errand. If you are running the errand as part of your employment and suffer an injury, you are covered by WorkSafeBC.

Serious Workplace Injuries

From 2010 -2019, there were over 63,000 serious workplace injuries reported in BC. (read more).

According to WorkSafe BC, workers in B.C. …”missed 3.2 million days of work due to work-related incidents and disease…”(Worksafe BC). The most common types of injury claims accepted by us were:

  • Strains and other than back strains
  • Back strains
  • Cuts
  • Contusions
  • Fractures

If you have been injured on the job, it is important to report the injury as soon as possible to Worksafe BC. It is also a good idea to contact personal injury lawyer Tim Louis to get the best legal advice regarding workplace injury to assist you in ensuring you get the compensation you deserve.

Reporting a Workplace Injury

Reporting a workplace injury is very easy. It can all be done over the phone (WorkSafeBC Teleclaim 1-888-967-5377).

In order for you to be eligible for WorkSafe benefits, your injury does not need to occur at a specific time. A perfect example of this is carpal tunnel syndrome from typing. A worker who develops this syndrome will do so as a result of typing over a number of weeks if not years. Another example is lung cancer caused by exposure to asbestos. The “injury” would take place over many decades.

As soon as you suffer a workplace injury, you should immediately report it, not only to WorkSafeBC, but also to your employer and your family doctor. Failure to do so may seriously weaken your claim. Your doctor will be asked by WorkSafeBC to confirm your injury. If it is a very serious injury and you are taken to a hospital by ambulance, do not leave it to the ambulance crew or the hospital to report your injury to WorkSafeBC.

Most WorkSafeBC are relatively straight forward. However, sometimes, this is not the case. If you feel that you are not being treated fairly by WorkSafeBC, you should immediately hire a workplace injury lawyer familiar with WorkSafe claims.

Repealing Workplace Injury Decisions

Appealing Worksafe decisions to court is very difficult and rarely successful. In 2016 an injured worker, Anna Currie was successful. The chambers judge overturned Worksafe’s decision to refuse to provide retroactive vocational rehabilitation benefits to her. Sadly, Worksafe simply appealed the chambers judge decision to the BC Court of Appeal.

The BCCA reinstated the Worksafe decision to refuse to provide retroactive vocational rehabilitation benefits.

Read More

Workplace Safety

To keep everyone safe on the job, all employees should participate in workplace safety protocols. This group collaboration works to protect everyone, increase safety on the job, prevent workplace injury and helps with overall productivity.

In order to prevent workplace injury, it is important to:

  • Always report unsafe work conditions
  • Keep a clean workstation
  • Ensure you always wear protective equipment such as hard hats and steel shank/toe boots
  • Take breaks – workplace injury often occurs when people are tired
  • Don’t skip any steps to get the job done faster – follow workflow procedure for safety
  • Stay up to date with new safety protocols and procedures
  • Use proper posture and follow safe working and lifting procedures
  • Help the new employees – guide them on looking after their health, safety and the safety of the workplace

Injured on the Job?

If you have been injured on the job, contact Tim Louis today to get the best legal advice. As a seasoned personal injury and long-term disability lawyer, he will provide you with the best legal advice and help you navigate the complications of a WorkSafe BC claim. Give Tim Louis a call today at (604) 732-7678 for a no-fee telephone consultation, during which he will answer all your questions, no matter how complex.


Provincial Overview by Worksafe BC. Free data visualization software. (n.d.). Retrieved January 16, 2022, from https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/worksafebc/viz/Provincialoverview/Didyouknow

Worksafe BC: Facts & figures. WorkSafeBC. (2021, March 12). Retrieved January 16, 2022, from https://www.worksafebc.com/en/about-us/shared-data/facts-and-figures



Client Reviews

Termination Without Cause: Determining Reasonable Notice

termination without cause

Termination Without Cause – Wrongful Dismissal

When an employee is terminated without cause, it means they are being let go for reasons such as cost cutting, restructuring, or realignment. All employees in Canada are entitled to a certain amount of notice (or pay in lieu of notice) if an employer without just cause terminates them. This compensation is in place to protect employees left without employment with no warning or any type of income.

If you have been terminated without cause in BC, you may have several questions regarding this topic. Below we have compiled some helpful information to help you understand how much you are entitled to when terminated without cause and when payment is required.

How Much Are You Entitled to When Terminated Without Cause in BC?

Termination without cause is perfectly legal in BC if the employer provides you with reasonable notice of termination. Reasonable notice can be given in the form of working notice, pay in-lieu-of working notice or both.

If a BC employer does not provide an employee with reasonable notice, adequate compensation must be issued. If a BC employer fails to do so, a wrongful dismissal case could be brought against them. How much payment is required depends on the length of time an employee was employed:

  • After three consecutive months of employment: one week’s pay must be provided
  • After 12 consecutive months of employment: two weeks’ pay must be provided
  • After 36 consecutive months of employment: three weeks’ pay must be provided
  • For each additional year: a week’s pay (up to a maximum of eight weeks) must be provided

How Much Pay Are You Entitled To When Terminated Without Cause?

There are two types of law – Statutory Law and Common Law.

The statutory requirements for notice are as follows:

  • One week’s pay must be granted after 3 consecutive months of employment
  • Two week’s pay must be granted after 12 consecutive months of employment
  • Three weeks’ pay must be provided after 36 consecutive months of employment.
  • A week’s pay up to a maximum of 8 weeks must be granted for each additional year.

According to common law, reasonable notice is based on length of service, type of position (including salary), age of the employee, and availability of similar employment at the time of termination. Under these requirements, reasonable notice may amount to at least one month per year of employment.

The Period of Common Law Notice Can Be Varied – BC Employment Law

Under common law, severance is not just one or two weeks’ compensation — an employee terminated without cause can be owed up to 24 months of pay. However, it may be stipulated in the original employment contract when hired by the company. This contract may require less notice of termination than common law requirements, but not less than the entitlements listed under the BC Employment Standards Act/Statute Law. 

Have You Been Terminated Without Cause in BC?

If you are involved in a termination without cause situation, it is important you speak with Tim Louis, an experienced employment lawyer, to ensure that your employment rights are applied, and you have been provided with fair compensation. Hiring a lawyer that specializes in employment law will help ensure that you receive a””fair settlement. If you have been let go by your employer or require a severance package review, contact Tim Louis Law today by calling 604-732-7678 or email timlouis@timlouislaw.com, and we will set you up with a no-obligation telephone consultation.

Learn more about termination without cause in the BC Employment Standards Act






Client Reviews

What is Wrongful Dismissal?

Wrongful Dismissal

What is Wrongful Dismissal?

If you’ve been terminated by your employer, or just want a clear understanding of your rights when it comes to wrongful dismissal law in BC, you’ve come to the right place.

We always encourage employees to seek advice from an experienced legal team that specializes in employment law; however, we also like to educate our clients so they become more familiar with key terms to gain a broad understanding of laws surrounding wrongful dismissal claims.


What is Wrongful Dismissal?

A wrongful dismissal occurs when an employee is terminated by their employer without being provided any reasonable notice.

Generally, there are 3 types of wrongful dismissal scenarios:

  • An employer terminates employment without cause and refuses to pay adequate compensation.
  • An employer terminates an employee for cause and fails to pay compensation.
  • An employer alters terms and conditions of employment and ‘constructively dismisses’ an employee by creating a hostile, toxic and intolerable work environment — resulting in the employee being forced to resign from their position.

If you are an employee in BC, your rights are protected by both the Employment Standards Act of British Columbia and federal law — however, it is important to note that a wrongful dismissal claim does not occur simply because an employer has terminated an employee for an illegitimate reason. For example, an employer may have terminated an employee for financial reasons, when in fact there is no basis for doing so.

An employer does not legally have to be completely honest with their reasons for termination, as long as they have just cause to terminate or provide reasonable notice of termination or salary in lieu of notice.

The notice period an employee is entitled to will vary depending on these factors:

  • Length of employment
  • Age of the employee
  • Type of position (including salary)
  • Availability of similar employment in the job market at the time of termination


What is ‘Just Cause?’

Under Canadian law, an employer can legally apply just cause termination in the event of serious employee misconduct such as theft, sexual harassment, dishonesty, conflict of interest, incompetence, insubordination, and other types of highly inappropriate conduct during employment. Some “just cause” actions are easier for an employer to prove than others.

Under these circumstances, an employer can terminate an employee immediately without any requirement to provide:

  • Warnings
  • Reasonable notice
  • Severance pay
  • Pay in lieu of notice


Proving Wrongful Dismissal

The first thing you will want to do is prove that you were an employee of the company.

Generally, this can be done by providing:

  • Your letter of termination
  • Your Record of Employment (ROE)
  • Pay stubs
  • Proof that you were terminated without adequate notice.

Moving forward, your employer must prove that you were dismissed for ‘just cause.’


Do Not Sign a Severance Offer

When you are terminated, your employer may offer you an exit agreement and or offer you a severance package to sign off on, with a short deadline. If you feel you have been wrongly dismissed, do not sign a severance offer before speaking to an employment lawyer. Your employer cannot legally impose a deadline on your full severance entitlements.

Legally you have 2 years following termination to receive your severance pay — if you sign off on a severance package from your employer, you have also signed away your right to pursue legal action for severance pay under common law.


Timeline for Filing a Wrongful Dismissal Case in B.C.

To file a claim under the B.C. Employment Standards Act, you have 6 months from the termination date. To sue your employer, you have 2 years from the date you were let go. This goes for employees who work full-time, part-time, or an employee on probation


Contact A Trusted Employment Lawyer

If you feel you may have been wrongfully dismissed, it is important to obtain legal advice as early as possible. If you or someone you know has experienced a wrongful dismissal, Tim Louis Law is here to help. We are on your side and will fight hard to ensure that our clients receive full compensation. For more information or to set up a free consultation with Tim Louis & his compassionate, trusted team of experts, call 604-732-7678 or email timlouis@timlouislaw.com

Source: https://www.bclaws.gov.bc.ca/civix/document/id/complete/statreg/00_96113_01



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