long-term disability lawsuit

Workplace Injury – Can I sue my workplace for an injury?

workplace Injury

Workplace Injury – Can I sue my workplace for an injury?

If you are injured on the job, the law does not permit you to sue your employer. Instead, you must make a claim with WorkSafeBC. The good news here is that you do not need to be concerned about your employer’s financial ability to pay you for lost wages and/or permanent lost earning capacity. The bad news is that WorkSafeBC can be a nightmare to deal with. You do not ever get your day in court.

A workplace injury is any injury that occurs within your scope of employment. What this means is that your injury, in order to be covered by WorkSafeBC, does not have to occur at a specific worksite. If, for instance, you are driving and doing so as part of your employment, then you are covered. As example might be your employer asking you to leave your worksite to go on an errand. If you are running the errand as part of your employment and suffer an injury, you are covered by WorkSafeBC.

Serious Workplace Injuries

From 2010 -2019, there were over 63,000 serious workplace injuries reported in BC. (read more).

According to WorkSafe BC, workers in B.C. …”missed 3.2 million days of work due to work-related incidents and disease…”(Worksafe BC). The most common types of injury claims accepted by us were:

  • Strains and other than back strains
  • Back strains
  • Cuts
  • Contusions
  • Fractures

If you have been injured on the job, it is important to report the injury as soon as possible to Worksafe BC. It is also a good idea to contact personal injury lawyer Tim Louis to get the best legal advice regarding workplace injury to assist you in ensuring you get the compensation you deserve.

Reporting a Workplace Injury

Reporting a workplace injury is very easy. It can all be done over the phone (WorkSafeBC Teleclaim 1-888-967-5377).

In order for you to be eligible for WorkSafe benefits, your injury does not need to occur at a specific time. A perfect example of this is carpal tunnel syndrome from typing. A worker who develops this syndrome will do so as a result of typing over a number of weeks if not years. Another example is lung cancer caused by exposure to asbestos. The “injury” would take place over many decades.

As soon as you suffer a workplace injury, you should immediately report it, not only to WorkSafeBC, but also to your employer and your family doctor. Failure to do so may seriously weaken your claim. Your doctor will be asked by WorkSafeBC to confirm your injury. If it is a very serious injury and you are taken to a hospital by ambulance, do not leave it to the ambulance crew or the hospital to report your injury to WorkSafeBC.

Most WorkSafeBC are relatively straight forward. However, sometimes, this is not the case. If you feel that you are not being treated fairly by WorkSafeBC, you should immediately hire a workplace injury lawyer familiar with WorkSafe claims.

Repealing Workplace Injury Decisions

Appealing Worksafe decisions to court is very difficult and rarely successful. In 2016 an injured worker, Anna Currie was successful. The chambers judge overturned Worksafe’s decision to refuse to provide retroactive vocational rehabilitation benefits to her. Sadly, Worksafe simply appealed the chambers judge decision to the BC Court of Appeal.

The BCCA reinstated the Worksafe decision to refuse to provide retroactive vocational rehabilitation benefits.

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Workplace Safety

To keep everyone safe on the job, all employees should participate in workplace safety protocols. This group collaboration works to protect everyone, increase safety on the job, prevent workplace injury and helps with overall productivity.

In order to prevent workplace injury, it is important to:

  • Always report unsafe work conditions
  • Keep a clean workstation
  • Ensure you always wear protective equipment such as hard hats and steel shank/toe boots
  • Take breaks – workplace injury often occurs when people are tired
  • Don’t skip any steps to get the job done faster – follow workflow procedure for safety
  • Stay up to date with new safety protocols and procedures
  • Use proper posture and follow safe working and lifting procedures
  • Help the new employees – guide them on looking after their health, safety and the safety of the workplace

Injured on the Job?

If you have been injured on the job, contact Tim Louis today to get the best legal advice. As a seasoned personal injury and long-term disability lawyer, he will provide you with the best legal advice and help you navigate the complications of a WorkSafe BC claim. Give Tim Louis a call today at (604) 732-7678 for a no-fee telephone consultation, during which he will answer all your questions, no matter how complex.


Provincial Overview by Worksafe BC. Free data visualization software. (n.d.). Retrieved January 16, 2022, from https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/worksafebc/viz/Provincialoverview/Didyouknow

Worksafe BC: Facts & figures. WorkSafeBC. (2021, March 12). Retrieved January 16, 2022, from https://www.worksafebc.com/en/about-us/shared-data/facts-and-figures



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Long-Term Disability Lawsuit

Long-Term Disability Insurance Lawsuit

Long-Term Disability Lawsuit:

Expert insights from long-term disability lawyer Tim Louis.

Many of my long-term disability clients are under the mistaken belief that if they win at trial the judge will order the insurance company to pay my client one lump sum equivalent to the amount of each monthly payment multiplied by the number of months from the trial to the date of my client’s retirement. Unfortunately, this is not the case. If you win your long-term disability lawsuit the court will order your insurance company to begin paying you monthly. There will be no lump sum representing what is referred to as “future benefits”.

With the above in mind, I was quite interested in the Court of Appeal decision in a case approximately three years ago. The Plaintiff, Nadine Lydia Gascoigne, had successfully sued Desjardins Financial Security Life Assurance Company for her long-term disability benefits. Her lawyer had asked the trial judge to aware a lump sum for Ms. Gascoigne’s future benefits. The trial judge refused to do so and instead ordered Desjardins to begin making monthly payments. Her lawyer appealed the trial judge’s decision not to award a lump sum for future benefits.

The BC Court of Appeal turned down Ms. Gascoigne’s appeal. Here are two paragraphs from the BC Court of Appeal Decision:

[29] In short, in my view, the trial judge correctly found he was bound by Warrington, as we are, to find that a non-contracting beneficiary of a group policy is entitled to enforce the payment of benefits, but not entitled to terminate the group policy or accept the insurer’s repudiation.

[30] The appellant did not advance any basis other than fundamental breach of the policy as a ground upon which she might be entitled to a lump sum award. It is not necessary, therefore, for us to determine whether such an award can be made for the breach of a disability insurance contract and breach of the duty of good faith. However, in this case, two obstacles stood in the way of such an award. First, the bad faith established was not found to be such as to preclude continuing performance of the parties’ contractual obligations, and second, the appellant’s own expert witness testified that she has “not yet reached the point of maximal medical improvement”. Some further interventions were contemplated, and she would suffer “some degree of vocational disability” for “an unknown period of time”. There was clearly a basis for the judge to say the evidence did not establish that the appellant would remain disabled from any occupation. He could properly regard that as a reason not to grant any relief other than the declaratory order made with respect to continuing benefits.

This means that the law remains as it always has been – if you successfully sue your long-term disability company, you will not be awarded a lump sum for future benefits, but rather begin receiving monthly payments.

Read more about the long-term disability lawsuit case here:

Gascoigne v. Desjardins Financial Security Life Assurance Co. (c.o.b. Desjardins Insurance), [2020] B.C.J. No. 1821, 2020 BCCA 316, British Columbia Court of Appeal, November 3, 2020, M.E. Saunders, P.M. Willcock and G.B. Butler JJ.A.




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