
Surveillance: How You Can Lose Your Long Term Disability Compensation

long term disability surveillanceHow You Can Lose Your Long Term Disability Compensation

Have you applied for Long Term Disability coverage and have the feeling you are being followed while out in public?

If you have submitted an application for disability or are collecting disability compensation, your intuition may be accurate, as there is a good chance an insurer has hired a professional private investigator to conduct surveillance on you, seeking an excuse to save money and attempt to deny your claim.

Insurance companies, like all businesses, are profit-based and lose money if they approve too many claims — so it is in their best interest to prove that you can work without the need to receive compensation for your reported medical condition.

Disability claims are on the rise, and surveillance is an efficient way for insurance companies to gather evidence against you – intending to prove that you are fully capable of fulfilling your job duties and do not require financial support.

Surveillance May Work Against You

Insurance companies may hire a private Investigator, follow you, or set up surveillance in front of your home to observe your daily activities.

Suppose you applied for Long Term Disability due to back pain and then observed via surveillance moving or twisting your body in a way that contradicts what you detailed in your claim. In that case, your credibility may be diminished and lead to a denial of your Long Term Disability insurance benefits claim.

Be Specific On Your Application for Long Term Disability Compensation

Detailing your injuries and being specific about your abilities on your Long Term Disability application is essential. Provide context and be mindful about anything observed via surveillance that may be used against you.

Such that if you are observed merely walking down the street for a more extended period than you mentioned you were able to in your claim, you could be at risk of losing your Long Term Disability insurance coverage.

The same goes for mental health disability claims. For instance, if you claim that you are chronically depressed and unable to leave your home and then observed via surveillance leaving your home on a daily basis, you may be questioned and risk losing your coverage.

Why Surveillance is Not Reliable

Context is everything when it comes to surveillance with regards to Long Term Disability insurance claims. As mentioned in the example above, surveillance is not a reliable measure to understand one’s abilities.

Video evidence does not present the aftermath of the activity, such as the stiffness and pain you may experience immediately after or the next day resulting from specific activities such as reaching, carrying grocery bags, or shovelling snow.

Fighting Against Surveillance Evidence

  • Ensure that you are truthful regarding your disabilities and injuries from the start. Do not stretch the truth because you think it will be more believable.
  • Take extreme caution when posting on any social media channels. Any comments, videos, or images involving events, activities, sports, or vacations, can be used as evidence to affect your disability claim. Be mindful before you post.

Denied Long Term Disability Coverage? Hire an Experienced Lawyer

If you have Long Term Disability coverage, and if you’re suffering from a debilitating illness or injury, then you deserve compensation, and that’s where Tim Louis and Company can help.

When dealing with a Long Term Disability claim, it is essential that you have an experienced, reputable lawyer on your side that specializes in Long Term Disability cases.

Long Term Disability Lawyer Tim Louis has been representing those who suffer from LTD for over 25 years and has successfully sued some of the world’s largest insurance companies on behalf of deserving clients.

Contact Tim Louis and His Team Today

You owe it to yourself to explore your options. Contact Tim Louis and his compassionate and experienced legal team today by calling 604-732-7678 or email for a no-obligation consultation. We will make sure to evaluate your situation and advise the best possible options for your unique situation.



Client Reviews

Technology – Putting the Client First

Just over three years ago, I decided it was time we went paperless. One year of due diligence later and I decided to go forward with a product called Primafact. Primafact allows us to simply and efficiently scan and file all documents on a client matter. The transition was painless. We used the accrual approach – we did not scan all the existing paper files. Instead, with each new client file moving forward, we went paperless.

The benefits of going paperless have been enormous, not just saving us time in the office but also dramatically improving client service. For instance, when a client calls with a question, we no longer need to put the call on hold, walk to the filing cabinet, pull the file, and look for the relevant document. Instead, with the click of a button, we can find what we’re looking for with client on the phone in a matter of seconds.

Just over one year ago, I decided it was time to move the office to the cloud. This would make it possible for all office staff and myself to access everything in a client’s file no matter where we were. Just like going paperless, deciding on which company to go with took a lot of research. I’m very happy I decided to go with I-Worx. Just last month, we completed our move into the cloud. We no longer need to bring the entire file with us to Discoveries, Court Applications and Trials. It is all in our laptop or Ipad. Working from home is now a piece of cake!

The third and last item on my technology to-do list is VOIP – Voice Over Internet Protocol. I interviewed so many vendors that the process became overwhelming. Not surprising given the fact that lawyers are not trained in technology. A lawyer friend of mine recommended I hire a consultant, Vic Buehler. He found an option that had all the bells and whistles I was looking for and more – Telus’ Ringcentral. We hope have our new VOIP system installed within the next 4 weeks.

It’s hard to believe that when I got called to the Bar in 1984 we still had typewriters!

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